What was and what will be is really all up to us.  More specifically what I mean is- it’s all about our perspective. Sometimes while we’re in the midst of life, we’re so focused on the details, that we forget to zoom out and see the big picture.

I definitely noticed a trend in the last few weeks where people of all ages, from all places, in person and through social media, have been repeating the “2016 Sucked” or “Good Riddance 2016” mantras.  At first, I resisted.  It didn’t seem very grateful to be hating on a whole year!  But as 2016 grew closer to an end, I started really thinking about it and I concluded, yes!  Actually, 2016 was not a good year!

I would not miss 2016!  It sucked!  And just like that, I was officially on the Hate 2016 Bandwagon.  Honestly, it felt good to put my negative energy somewhere.  To blame something for all the way things didn’t go my way in 2016.  Isn’t it amazing how much easier it is to blame then to take personal responsibility? And then, as I so often do, I thought some more and changed my mind…because I can! (And so can you.)


I realized, when I really took inventory of the past year that it was truly a tough one for me personally. However, it was also a year that I think I had the most personal growth…ever in my life.  So maybe I had simply experienced some growing pains along the way!  I noticed that for every difficulty and challenge I was faced with in 2016, I a gained a valuable lesson (or two). Learning is part of life and it’s definitely not a bad thing!

For example, in 2016 I lost my job.  Correction, I didn’t “lose” my job I was straight up “fired” from my job. May as well tell it like it is, right?  For the first time in my life- I was fired. Oh, and it wasn’t just any job.  It was what I considered to be my DREAM job. It was everything I could have ever hoped for in my career.  Not to mention, it was my key to financial freedom. It was the key to my future and success. It was the key to a whole new life.

%image_alt%In a flash it was gone.  No warning. No explanation.  And worst of all, through no fault of my own. The whole experience shook me to my core. So much so that it was the event that triggered my first of two unexpected meet and greets with Depression in 2016. It really, truly sucked. Yet looking back now I can see, that once the deep pain, intense anger and utter confusion subsided and Depression packed up and was on its way, I was left holding many key lessons.

I learned that my dream job, might not have been THE dream job after all.  I realized how many people genuinely cared about me and how lucky I was to have them on my side. The ones who would always have my back and allow me to lean on them for strength when I felt defeated. I was also able to see for myself, that even though I had my doubts, I truly was resilient.  I believed I was going to be okay…and indeed, I am. The lesson of detachment from form was loud and clear and could not be ignored. I grew and even blossomed through the pain.

 %image_alt%The job setback was only one of the many obstacles on my path in 2016.  There were significant parenting challenges, financial difficulties, a couple of health scares, complicated goodbyes to relationships, beliefs and attitudes that needed closure, mental focusing issues ultimately explained by an adhd diagnosis,  time management troubles, weight gaining problems, and unbelievable political disappointment.  It all happened in 2016. I can choose to dwell on these sucky things or I can change my perspective, find the lesson and see the silver lining.

I can remember all the awesome experiences I had in 2016. The special Friendship Celebration dinner I hosted to honor 19 of my dearest friends. All the fabulous, talented, deeply conscious, inspirational people I have connected with by finding my Tribe while diving in deep with Dr. Shefali Tsabary and her Global Awakened Family movement.

Starting up my own business and watching iParent Plus become a reality both in the office and online. Witnessing my daughter confidently head back to Pittsburgh for her second year of college. Cheering my son on as he passed his driver’s permit test. Experiencing the awe and wonder of a small child through the eyes of my niece. Being able to positively impact parents and empower clients.

Discovering some Bad Ass Women role models that are out there making a difference in the world.  Quenching my thirst for spirituality from new wells.  I could go on and on.  All good stuff. Really good stuff.


Dr. Shefali Tsbary & Vibha Arora
Photo by-http://bryanramsayphotography.com/

I think it just comes down to recognizing the AS IS of 2016 and then choosing to BUILD an even better 2017.

Assess the situation
Sit with the feelings and notice
Illusions for what they are and next
Start making small shifts in perspective


Bravely and passionately
Undo negative perceptions and create positive
Intentions that are meaningful, filled with
Lessons, light and love that raise you up and lastly
Decide to be an active participant rather than a passive bystander in your own life

Just Like Magic, we’ll be flying higher and 2017 will be absofrickinlutely fabulous and everything I know it can be!


Happy New Year!  Lets not allow 2017 to suck! Make each Magical Moment count!

Stay Positive,




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